
How to train around life's challenges.

Regardless of how great our intentions, SOMETHING will always manage to interfere with our goals.  Or will it?  The truth is that we have control over how we choose to respond to life and what it throws at us.  Whether it be an injury, career responsibilities, children, spouse, pet, whatever “IT” is, the world will continue to turn, time won’t stop ticking, and we need to learn how to roll with the punches.  It is our CHOICE to fall prey to our excuses or be disciplined and overcome them.  

I suffered a pretty serious injury at a time when I was finally starting to reach a new level of fitness and I allowed it to temporarily STOP my progress.  I was busy feeling sorry for myself and I was convinced that I was doomed to fail.  Thankfully I pulled up my big girl panties, snapped out of it, and got back to it with a new found drive to succeed.  

If you are struggling with making time for yourself because you can't seem to manage what is going on around you, STOP - REFOCUS - COME BACK TO YOUR INTENTIONS - AND ACT ON THOSE INTENTIONS!  

Motivation is fleeting so you must constantly fuel our goals through discipline.  A great way to get started is to create attainable and sustainable habits. Set mini goals that will help you get to where you ultimately want to be.  WRITE DOWN these goals and set a timeline for when you will accomplish them.  Before you know it you will be miles closer to that goal that previously seemed practically out of reach.  

Sooner or later we tire of feeling sorry for ourselves and wishing we were better. Take back control of your life now! Recognize that you are NOT what happened to you and suddenly excuses NOT to change will quickly turn to reasons why YOU are worthy of positive change.  

Check out this video on how to work around an injury or how to simply adjust an exercise to suit your current fitness level.

God Bless My Friend~